Professional will writing services
When you need to make your will, make sure you use a professional company to ensure your wishes will be carried out correctly. Approved Wills of Birmingham is a member of the Institute of Professional Willwriters.
Make sure your will is carried out correctly
Do you need to hire a professional will writer?
Almost certainly! Cheap do-it-yourself will writing kits are readily available, however, a one-to-one with an expert will writer can save your grieving family a lot of time and heart ache when trying to unravel a poorly constructed will.
An experienced will writer will raise issues you would rarely, if at all, consider and give you the opportunity to address them in advance. They could also save a substantial part of your estate which might otherwise be lost to Inheritance Tax or care home fees.

Make sure your assets are distributed fairly
Many people assume that if they die without a will, their partner will inherit everything. However, even if you’re married or in a civil partnership, there are limits on what your spouse can inherit in the absence of a will. Instead, the intestacy rules apply and the law decides who amongst your family will benefit from your hard work and successes. There is a ‘pecking order’ as set down by Section 46 of the administration of Estates Act 1925.
When engaging our will writing services, you will ensure that your estate stays in your bloodline, avoiding ‘sideways disinheritance’ whereby the surviving partner remarries and their new spouse and any children they may have now inherits from them. If you were to die before your new spouse, then there are no guarantees that your children from your first marriage will inherit anything.
Your personal and financial circumstances can change, so it is wise to review your will regularly

Setting high standards in will writing
Approved Wills complies with the Institute of Professional Willwriters’ Code of Practice at all times. This gives you peace of mind that our team will work with integrity and to the highest standards every time.